Arnold Xavior, the lovechild of man's greatest body and man's greatest mind, presents the greatest game ever made. 

"This game made me realize how pointless my atheism is. Truly, only something greater than ourselves could have made this" 

Sam Harris

"The experience taught us the errors of our ways. From now on love - not hate - will dominate our region

Collective statement from all state leaders in the Middle East 

"We got laid after playing this" 

Entire incel movement

Expected playtime: 5 min - 150 years (depending on repeat playthroughs and life expectancy)


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I can feel this game coming inside of me 😩


My god, I see it all the beginning... the end life and death are nothing compared to the vastness of the empty black sea we call the universe, this game has opened my eyes so that I may transcend this life and move on to a higher plane.


This game is ... very great.


I completed this in less than a minute, I've ascended beyond the mortal plane.


Ascend my child, ascend